


Haim Corey – Corey Ian Haim
Geboren am 23. Dezember 1971 in Toronto Kanada, gestorben am 10. März 2010 in Burbank Kalifornien USA.


1982 The Edison Twins
1984 Firstborn
1985 A Time to Live
1985 Der Werwolf von Tarker Mills (Silver Bullet)
1985 A Secret Admirer
1985 Murphy`s Romance
1986 Lucas
1987 The Roomies
1987 The Lost Boys
1988 Watchers
1988 Daddys Cadillac (License to Drive )
1988 The Teen
1989 Dream a little Dream (D:Träume und vergiß)
1990 The Teen Dream Machine
1991 Prayer of the Rollerboys
1991 Fast Getaway
1991 Oh! What a Night
1992 Blown Away
1993 Just one of the Girls
1993 Double o´ Kid
1994 National Lampoon`s last Resort
1994 Fast Getaway II
1994 He`s my Girl II
1994 Dream a little Dream II
1995 Life 101
1996 Snowboard Academy
1996 Demolition High
1996 Fever Lake
1996 Busted
1997 Never too Late
1997 Demolition High II (D:Demolition University)
1998 Friday Night
1998 The Safari Club
1998 Merlin
2000 Universal Groove
2000 Without Malice
2001 The Backlot Murders
2008 Lost Boys II
2009 Crank II
2009 Shark City
2009 New Terminal Hotel
2009 American Sunset
2010 Decisions
2010 The Dead Sea
2010 Ratred 3D
2010 The Throwaways
2010 The Science of Cool
2010 A Detour in Life
2010 SAD (Standard American Diet)





Dragon Fantasy Verlag  ·  Hohlenbaumstrasse 40  ·  CH-8200 Schaffhausen
Telefon +41 (0)52 624 34 70  ·  Fax +41 (0)52 624 34 59  ·