


Mercurio Gus – Augustino Eugenio Gus Mercurio
Schauspieler, Boxer
Geboren am 10. August 1928 in Milwaukee Wisconsin USA, gestorben am 07. Dezember 2010 in Melbourne Victoria Australien.


1974 Alvin Rides again
1976 Eliza Fraser
1977 Raw Deal
1977 High Rolling
1980 Dead Man’s Float
1980 Harlequin
1980 Die blaue Lagune (The Blue Lagoon)
1982 The Man from Snowy River
1982 Turkey Shoot
1983 The Return of Captain Invicible
1983 All the Rivers Run (Mini-Serie)
1985 I Live with me Dad
1986 The Challenge (Mini-Serie)
1987 Running from the Guns
1988 Crocodile Dundee II
1988 Badlands 2005
1988 Mission:Impossible (TV-Serie)
1990 The Lancaster Miller Affair (Mini-Serie)
1990 The Great Air Race
1991 Return to the Blue Lagoon
1992 Survive the Savane Sea
1993 Time Trax (TV-Serie)
1994 Official Denial
1994 Lightning Jack
1997 Doing Time for Patsy Cline
2001 Dalkeith
2001 Curse of the Talisman




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