Roth Tim – Timothy Simon Smith
Geboren am 14. Mai 1961 in London England.
1983 Made In Britain
1983 Meantime
1984 Die Profikiller (The Hit)
1985 Return to Waterloo
1987 Metamorphosis
1988 Zwei Welten (A World Apart)
1988 Der Priestermord (To Kill a Priest)
1989 Vincent und Theo
1989 Der Koch, der Dieb, seine Frau und ihr Liebhaber (The Cook, the Thief, his
Wife & her Lover)
1990 Rosenkranz und Güldenstern (Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead)
1991 Reservoir Dogs
1993 Herz der Finsternis (Heart of Darkness)
1994 Gefesselt (Captives)
1994 Pulp Fiction
1994 Bodies, Rest & Motion
1995 Four Rooms -
Silvester in Fremden Betten
1995 Rob Roy
1996 Unter Brüdern (No Way Home)
1997 Harlem, N.Y.C. – Der Preis der Macht (Hoodlum)
1997 Gridlock'd – Voll drauf! (Gridlock'd)
1997 Alle sagen: I love you (Everyone Says I Love You)
1998 Scharfe Täuschung (Deceiver)
1998 Die Legende vom Ozeanpianisten (La Leggenda del pianista sull'oceano)
2000 The Million Dollar Hotel
2000 Lucky Numbers
2000 Vatel
2001 Musketeer
2001 Invincible
2001 Planet
der Affen (Planet of the Apes, Remake)
2004 Battle
of the Brave (Nouvelle France)
2004 Silver City
2005 Don't Come Knocking
2005 Dark Water – Dunkle Wasser (Dark Water)
2005 The Last Sign
2006 Tsunami – Die Killerwelle (Tsunami: The Aftermath)
2006 Even Money
2007 My Blueberry Nights
2007 Youth Without Youth
2007 Funny Games U.S.
2008 Der
unglaubliche Hulk (The Incredible Hulk)
2015 The Hateful 8
2019 Once upon a Time
Shang-Chi und die Legende der Zehn Ringe (Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten
Dragon Fantasy
Verlag · Hohlenbaumstrasse 40 · CH-8200 Schaffhausen
Telefon +41 (0)52 624 34 70 ·